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Macintosh News => iPhone/iPod/iPad News => Topic started by: HCK on September 09, 2023, 04:05:07 pm

Title: Mosyle releases beta access to Apple Watch device management
Post by: HCK on September 09, 2023, 04:05:07 pm
Mosyle releases beta access to Apple Watch device management

<div class="feat-image">(https://9to5mac.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2023/09/apple-watch-remote-management.webp?w=1600)</div><p>One of the new features coming to watchOS 10 this fall that should be exciting for IT professionals is the ability to add the  to a device management system. One might wonder: Isn’t the Apple Watch a consumer device? It is, but there are plenty of reasons a company might deploy Apple Watches. It could be because of the noise detection for employees working in a warehouse or for doctors wearing them for communication around a hospital. Today, Mosyle (https://mosyle.com) is releasing a beta version of its device management system that allows for the onboarding of Apple Watches.</p>

 <a href="https://9to5mac.com/2023/09/05/mosyle-releases-beta-access-to-apple-watch-device-management/#more-904517" data-post-id="904517" data-layer-pagetype="post" data-layer-postcategory="mosyle" data-layer-viewtype="unknown" class="more-link">more…[/url]

Source: Mosyle releases beta access to Apple Watch device management (https://9to5mac.com/2023/09/05/mosyle-releases-beta-access-to-apple-watch-device-management/)