Title: Apple relaxing its iPhone trade-in rules to accept phones with cracked screens Post by: HCK on February 07, 2016, 09:00:15 am Apple relaxing its iPhone trade-in rules to accept phones with cracked screens
<article> <section class="page"> <p> If you’ve ever cracked your iPhone screen, broken its camera, or damaged its buttons, you know that Apple doesn’t accept those banged-up devices as part of its iPhone trade-in program (http://www.apple.com/shop/browse/reuse_and_recycle), which gives you credit to use toward the purchase of a new iPhone. But the company is reportedly softening its stance and will soon start accepting trade-ins of broken iPhone 5s, 6, and 6 Plus units.</p><p> So what’s with Apple’s change of heart? According to 9to5Mac (http://9to5mac.com/2016/02/04/apple-broke-iphone-upgrade-screen-protector-program/), if people can trade in their cracked iPhones for upgraded models, they’ll be less likely to settle for repairs, which run between $109 and $149 (https://www.apple.com/support/iphone/repair/screen-damage/) without AppleCare+. Apple will likely peg trade-in values for damaged models at $50 for a 5s, $200 for a 6, and $250 for a 6 Plus, 9to5Mac reported. You might be able to get more by selling your phone on eBay, but Apple’s trade-in program is risk-free and requires minimal effort.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/3030601/hardware/apple-might-relax-its-iphone-trade-in-rules-to-accept-phones-with-cracked-screens.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article> Source: Apple relaxing its iPhone trade-in rules to accept phones with cracked screens (http://www.macworld.com/article/3030601/hardware/apple-might-relax-its-iphone-trade-in-rules-to-accept-phones-with-cracked-screens.html#tk.rss_all) |