Title: Apple to Team up with Chinese Server Supplier for Rumored iCloud Switch Post by: HCK on April 11, 2016, 04:05:18 pm Apple to Team up with Chinese Server Supplier for Rumored iCloud Switch
<img style="float: left; margin-right: 10px" src="(http://www.iphonehacks.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Inspur-194x129.jpg)"> Apple is reportedly teaming up with China-based server supplier Inspur as it looks to bring its iCloud data services in-house. The company currently relies on Amazon and Google for its data center needs, but it is looking to cut costs as demand for its cloud services grows. Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span> (http://www.iphonehacks.com/2016/04/apple-to-team-up-with-chinese-server-supplier-for-rumored-icloud-switch.html) Source: Apple to Team up with Chinese Server Supplier for Rumored iCloud Switch (http://www.iphonehacks.com/2016/04/apple-to-team-up-with-chinese-server-supplier-for-rumored-icloud-switch.html) |