Title: Coach-designed Apple Watch bands said to be coming soon Post by: HCK on May 02, 2016, 04:05:19 pm Coach-designed Apple Watch bands said to be coming soon
After partnering with Hermès to create designer bands for the Apple Watch, Apple will reportedly team with Coach on a similar line. While a firm time frame for the launch of the new bands has yet to be established, it could be as early as June, according to Haute Ecriture (via 9to5Mac). The sales associate then proceeded to show me a piece of paper with various products on them that included photos of about eight watch bands which included a white band, a black band, a red band, and a brown band. Some bands have charms on them and others have patterns stitched into them. Below the photos of each bands was some information about them and prices with each band retailing for $150. While Apple also partnered with Hermès to create the branded Apple Watch Hermès, which came with custom watch faces, it's unknown if the company would partner with Coach on such a product. Apple Watch Apple Watch review watchOS 2 review Apple Watch buyers guide Apple Watch users guide Appl... Source: Coach-designed Apple Watch bands said to be coming soon (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/I2T5jBrmcds/coach-designed-apple-watch-bands-are-said-be-coming-soon) |