Title: I'd love a full-on Siri 'voice free' in iOS 10 Post by: HCK on May 12, 2016, 04:05:21 pm I'd love a full-on Siri 'voice free' in iOS 10
Rene Ritchie has been covering Apple and the personal technology industry for almost a decade. Editor-in-chief of iMore, executive editor for Mobile Nations, video and podcast host, you can follow him on Snapchat or Twitter @reneritchie. */ /*-->*/ /*-->*/ When you can't or shouldn't talk, imagine being able to access Siri through text. A Siri that's based on typing rather than talking is something I've had on my wish list for years. iOS 9 got us some of the way there—Spotlight merged, in part, with Siri to provide for better, more contextual search and access to a wealth of useful information. In other words, queries have largely been handled. What's left is the ability to execute commands, and that's why I continue to hope for more in iOS 10. Siri 'voice free' Since its debut as part of iOS 5 in 2011, Apple has made incredible progress expanding the company's virtual personal assistant, Siri. It's moved onto our roads with Eyes Free and CarPlay, onto our wrists... Source: I'd love a full-on Siri 'voice free' in iOS 10 (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/sP2dY4WME8I/id-love-full-siri-voice-free-ios-10) |