Title: This App Lets You Use Amazon’s Personal Assistant Alexa on Your iPhone Post by: HCK on June 26, 2016, 04:05:21 pm This App Lets You Use Amazon’s Personal Assistant Alexa on Your iPhone
<img style="float: left; margin-right: 10px" src="(http://www.iphonehacks.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/lexi-app-featured-194x129.jpg)"> Everyone’s going gaga over the always plugged in Amazon Echo and its surprisingly reliant voice assistant – Alexa. If you want to see what the fuss is all about, you need to spend $180 to buy Amazon Echo. But what if you don’t? Or what if you don’t live in the US? What if you have an idea for a voice assistant integration that you want to make and test out without actually buying Echo? Buy this $4.99 app instead. Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span> (http://www.iphonehacks.com/2016/06/this-app-lets-you-use-amazons-personal-assistant-alexa-on-your-iphone.html) Source: This App Lets You Use Amazon’s Personal Assistant Alexa on Your iPhone (http://www.iphonehacks.com/2016/06/this-app-lets-you-use-amazons-personal-assistant-alexa-on-your-iphone.html) |