Title: Understanding Telus's new Premium Plus financing plan Post by: HCK on July 02, 2016, 04:05:22 pm Understanding Telus's new Premium Plus financing plan
Spend more to save some money with Telus's new Premium Plus financing option. Last week, Telus launched a new plan under the Premium Plus name. At a time when many U.S. carriers are all-in on financing options, Telus's new Premium Plus plan is a hybrid system, providing customers a considerable subsidy in exchange for a two-year contract, along with flexibility in choosing to spend around $10 per month more on a plan in order to spend less for the phone upon purchase. What is Premium Plus? Premium Plus is the name of a new type of financing option offered by Telus, the second-largest carrier in Canada. It allows customers, new or existing, to add a small amount of money to their plans per month in exchange for paying less for the phone at the register. How does it work? It's actually quite simple. Telus's ordinary Your Choice share plans are priced based on the type of phone you buy: a premium smartphone, like an iPhone 6s; a smartphone, like a Moto X Play or other low-cost And... Source: Understanding Telus's new Premium Plus financing plan (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Ta6_YgbNd64/understanding-teluss-new-premium-plus-plans) |