Title: Nearly 4,000 show up for Pokémon Go launch event in Toronto Post by: HCK on July 20, 2016, 04:05:21 pm Nearly 4,000 show up for Pokémon Go launch event in Toronto
Close to 4,000 people attended an event in Toronto on Monday to celebrate the Canadian launch of Pokémon Go, formalizing a practice that had been going on unofficially, and on a much smaller scale, since the game launched in the U.S. on July 6. In the intervening two weeks, it's believed that nearly 6% of Canadian Android owners downloaded the game, though that number has certainly spiked since its official launch on Sunday. Great view showcasing the turnout for today's meeting. Go Toronto! Pokemon GO a major success pic.twitter.com/b8BcspBMA5— Logic Gate Studios (@LogicGateStudio) July 19, 2016 Monday's launch event was organized over Facebook by eSports events company Legacy Gamers. Held at the CN Tower, a well-known Toronto landmark, players rushed to the venue after 8pm in search of friends, enemies, and rare Pokémon. As we've told you in our many guides, Pokémon Go is at its most exciting and dynamic the more people congregate in a single area. That dynamism is he... Source: Nearly 4,000 show up for Pokémon Go launch event in Toronto (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/f5LW89FsZyM/nearly-4000-show-pokemon-go-launch-event-toronto) |