Title: Mobile Nations Weekly: Ludicrous zero-day nougat Post by: HCK on August 29, 2016, 04:05:26 pm Mobile Nations Weekly: Ludicrous zero-day nougat
Android goes to 7, Apple goes to the repair kit, and Tesla goes for maximum speed. Android 7.0 Nougat is finally here! … if you have a Nexus phone. If using a modern Nexus phone, it might be a while before you get the update — or never. But does that really matter? Apple found itself in sticky security waters following the disclosure and prompt patching of a trio of particularly nasty zero-day exploits. What's more terrifying than these sort of "fix it immediately" exploits is who is making them: private malware firms that cater to governmental desires for ever-more-prying eyes. Thankfully, Apple did the right thing and moved fast to patch their products. The long-awaited HP Elite x3 is finally here. Kind of. Almost. But Windows Central got one and went hands-on with the latest and greatest Windows Phone anyway. It's the first Windows Phone to tout both a fingerprint scanner and an iris scanner, and all sorts of high-powered bits. The Tesla Model 3 is set to start at $35,000.... Source: Mobile Nations Weekly: Ludicrous zero-day nougat (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/H34059t1Rfw/mobile-nations-weekly-ludicrous-zero-day-nougat) |