Title: How to mute activity reminders on Apple Watch Post by: HCK on November 22, 2016, 04:05:21 pm How to mute activity reminders on Apple Watch
Hate Apple Watch reminding to get up and move when you are stuck in a car or plane? Don't get mad, get muted! With the Activity app on your Apple Watch, you will get daily — often hourly — alerts reminding you to stand up, get moving, and do a bit more exercising to meet your goals. Sometimes, though, you're stuck in a car, on an airplane, or otherwise stationary for hours and hours and just can't do your routine. If you turn off the notification entirely, you might forget to turn it back on. Luckily, Apple lets you mute Activity reminders just for a day. How to mute reminders for one day from your iPhone How to mute reminders for one day from your Apple Watch How to change the time interval of progress updates How to mute reminders for one day from your iPhone If you know you're not going to want to receive any activity reminders for the day, you can stop it before it even starts. Launch the Watch app on your iPhone. Tap Notifications. Tap Activity. Toggle the Mute Rem... Source: How to mute activity reminders on Apple Watch (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/gFk719e3r4A/how-mute-activity-reminders-apple-watch) |