Title: This 2A Lightning car charger is just $12.95 today! Post by: HCK on November 25, 2016, 04:05:24 pm This 2A Lightning car charger is just $12.95 today!
If you spend any portion of your day commuting in a car, you should have a charger in it in case you are running low. Ventev's 2A Lightning charger is a great option to consider. It has a built-in Lightning cable and a USB slot to add another cable of your choice too. Right now you can grab one for only $12.95. ... Source: This 2A Lightning car charger is just $12.95 today! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/8fOxSqoT2v0/2a-lightning-car-charger-just-1295-today) |