Title: Apple TV: The ultimate guide Post by: HCK on November 28, 2016, 04:05:24 pm Apple TV: The ultimate guide
Welcome to your new set-top box. The fourth-generation Apple TV is here. It brings Siri, third-party apps and game controllers, a new Home screen, Apple Music, and so much more to your television. Here's everything you need to know to get started. If you want a quick guide on getting your Apple TV up and running, we've got walkthroughs for setting up your set top box with either your iOS device, or manually. Meet the new Apple TV Apple's new set-top box retains the sleek black look of its predecessor—albeit with a few changes. It's a thicker, taller box now, omitting its digital audio out port in favor of a single HDMI port, power cable, Ethernet port, and USB-C service port. Inside that midnight shell, the Apple TV packs some impressive hardware, a neat new remote, and great new software. Hardware Internally, the new Apple TV has gotten a major upgrade since its last update in 2012: It now sports a 64-bit A8 processor with 2GB of RAM, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, and 32GB or 64GB ... Source: Apple TV: The ultimate guide (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/99mTAS5N49c/apple-tv-ultimate-guide) |