Title: The iXTRA Folio Case: The 'Perfect' iPhone Case Post by: HCK on December 05, 2016, 04:05:23 pm The iXTRA Folio Case: The 'Perfect' iPhone Case
The iXTRA Folio Case does everything you want in an iPhone case: Storage, Battery Life, and -- most of all -- adds a 3.5 mm jack. It just has a weird little thing about making you use an app. Check out MrMobile's hands-on and visit the Kickstarter page. This may be the best-priced case for all your needs. Stay social, my friends YouTube Le web Snapchat ... Source: The iXTRA Folio Case: The 'Perfect' iPhone Case (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/pH9qV9nh-lw/ixtra-folio-case-perfect-iphone-case) |