Title: Navdy: For when your Car won't Play Post by: HCK on December 06, 2016, 04:05:21 pm Navdy: For when your Car won't Play
I love my car. I love Apple's CarPlay. But they do not love each other. What's a technologist to do? Michael Gartenberg has covered the personal technology beat for more than two decades at places like Gartner, Jupiter Research and Altimeter Group. Most recently, he spent a few years at Apple as Sr. Director of Worldwide Product Marketing. */ /*-->*/ /*-->*/ My beloved 2004 Acura TL is awesome. Its got 270 horses under the hood, a cockpit that perfectly fits my 6'4" frame, and it's filled with state of the art technology like HD Audio and a beautiful touch screen display. Its got Bluetooth that could connect my old Motorola RAZR, a fantastic iPod mount, and cassette to a adapter for music. Yep. State of the art. For 2004. Sigh. I won't be replacing my car any time soon, but I wish I could get access to all the new cool stuff. I could use an Android phone where Google delivers Android Auto to their phones. It works really well. But I'm an iPhone user and, sadly, th... Source: Navdy: For when your Car won't Play (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/wWKDiwLl8aA/when-your-car-wont-play) |