Title: You can now check out Super Mario Run at an Apple Store near you Post by: HCK on December 10, 2016, 04:05:22 pm You can now check out Super Mario Run at an Apple Store near you
In the run-up to its December 15 launch, Super Mario Run will be available to check out on iPhones and iPads in Apple Retail Stores. While Super Mario Run will be making its way to the iPhone and iPad next week, those anxiously awaiting the game can check it out now at an Apple Retail Store near them. Apple Stores are currently rolling out the ability to actually play the game, so it may take some time before it shows up at your local Apple Store. Nintendo of America's Reggie Fils-AmiƩ announced the demo on the most recent episode of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, which also saw Fallon play the game, as well as get some hands-on time with Nintendo's upcoming console, the Switch. Super Mario Run will launch on the iPhone and iPad on Thursday, December 15. Nintendo has previously announced that the game will be free to download and play in a limited capacity, with a one-time in-app purchase of $9.99 needed to explore everything the game has to offer. You can sign up now on... Source: You can now check out Super Mario Run at an Apple Store near you (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Ej8jv3xiMfw/you-can-now-try-out-super-mario-run-apple-store-near-you) |