Title: AirPods: Ultimate guide Post by: HCK on December 15, 2016, 04:05:27 pm AirPods: Ultimate guide
How do you set up, configure, and use your Apple AirPods with iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, Apple TV, and more? Like this! AirPods are the future of headphones, at least as far as Apple is concerned. Each one has a W1 chipset that allows for easy pairing and rock-solid audio sync, an accelerometer to register tap controls, an infrared sensor so they know when they're in your ears and when they're out, and beam-forming mics so your voice comes through loud and clear. See at Apple How to pair your AirPods Thanks to that W1 chipset, connecting to your iPhone is a breeze, your Apple Watch is automatic, and even your iPad and Mac will share the pairing thanks to iCloud sync. How to pair your AirPods with your iPhone How to pair your AirPods with a different iPhone How to pair your AirPods with your Apple Watch How to pair your AirPods with your iPad How to unpair your AirPods from your iPhone or iPad How to unpair your AirPods from Apple Watch How to pair your AirPods with your M... Source: AirPods: Ultimate guide (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Z7iL3S2tVPM/airpods-ultimate-guide) |