Title: How to pair your AirPods with iPhone, Watch, iPad, and Mac Post by: HCK on December 20, 2016, 04:05:22 pm How to pair your AirPods with iPhone, Watch, iPad, and Mac
How do you pair your AirPods with your iPhone? With your Apple Watch? What about your iPad and Mac? Like this! AirPods, the new wireless headphones from Apple, use the W1 chipset to pair automagically with your iPhone. From there, the pairing is mirrored on your Apple Watch, if you have one. What's more, iCloud will sync the pairing to your iPad and Mac, if you have them too, so you can use your AirPods on all your Apple devices! How to pair your AirPods with your iPhone How to pair your AirPods with a different iPhone How to pair your AirPods with your Apple Watch How to pair your AirPods with your iPad How to unpair your AirPods from your iPhone or iPad How to unpair your AirPods from Apple Watch How to pair your AirPods with your Mac How to unpair your AirPods from you Mac How to pair your Airpods with your Apple TV How to pair your AirPods with your iPhone Apple has made AirPods ridiculously easy to pair with any iPhone running iOS 10. Still, seeing the steps written out mig... Source: How to pair your AirPods with iPhone, Watch, iPad, and Mac (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/DC_MPSAIpts/how-pair-your-airpods-iphone-watch-ipad-and-mac) |