Title: Apps: App Diary: Leo’s Fortune, Minimize, Stagehand, Word Cookies Post by: HCK on February 11, 2017, 04:05:27 pm Apps: App Diary: Leo’s Fortune, Minimize, Stagehand, Word Cookies
<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/uploads/apps/apps-leos-fortune-apple-tv.jpg)" /> Leo’s Fortune ($5) — As much as I was impressed by 1337 & Senri’s award-winning platformer when it debuted three years ago, like many iOS games it was just one of those that I was never able to fully appreciate and get into with the iPhone’s smaller screen and more limited control interface. Therefore, it goes almost without saying that when I saw it show up on the Apple TV earlier this year, I was intrigued, and with the full… Source: Apps: App Diary: Leo’s Fortune, Minimize, Stagehand, Word Cookies (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/apps/entry/leos-fortune-minimize-stagehand-word-cookies) |