Title: Pokémon Go: How to evolve Eevee into multiple Umbreon or Espeon Post by: HCK on February 19, 2017, 04:05:22 pm Pokémon Go: How to evolve Eevee into multiple Umbreon or Espeon
Eevee is unique in Pokémon Go for its numerous split evolutions. You can get Umbreon, Espeon, Vaporeon, Flareon, or Jolteon — and there's even an easter egg to let you choose! Updated: Already use the name trick? Here's how to force multiple Eevee to evolve into Umbreon or Espeon. You finally catch or hatch the Pokémon you've been waiting for — and Eevee with wicked high stats (IV) and CP (Combat Power). You're ready to evolve but you really want the all-new Gen 2 Umbreon or Espeon, or the game-defining Vaporeon. No, you want a Jolteon to counter Vaporeon or a Flareon just because. But you don't want to leave it to random chance. Well, you don't have to! Stick it to the random number generator gods with this one neat easter-egg! Already use the name trick and want more Umbreon or Espeon? Keep reading! BREAKING: Pokémon Go 2 now LIVE! Trending: Hatch Gen 2 babies | Get Gen 2 evolutions Guides: Pokémon Go tips and tricks | Pokémon ... Source: Pokémon Go: How to evolve Eevee into multiple Umbreon or Espeon (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/6uz0o53IxUs/how-force-eevee-evolve-umbreon-espeon-vaporeon-floreon-or-jolteon-pokemon-go) |