Title: Mac: Logitech MK850 Performance Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Combo Post by: HCK on April 07, 2017, 04:05:29 pm Mac: Logitech MK850 Performance Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Combo
<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/mac/logitech/logitech-mk850-1.jpg)" /> Logitech’s new MK850 Performance Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Comb is the company’s latest in its lineup of input devices for power users, combining a full-featured ergonomic keyboard with the company’s M720 Triathlon wireless mouse. Although the MK850 doesn’t exactly have a Mac-like aesthetic, don’t let that fool you, as Logitech’s Options software is fully Mac-compatible and Mac-aware, providing support for controlling all of the usual keyboard functions, and mapping mouse gestures to swiping between desktops, bringing up Mission Control, LaunchPad, Exposé, and more. Further, Logitech has introduced a new “DuoLink” feature that pairs the mouse and keyboard to work together, allowing a second set of actions and gestures to be assigned to the mouse buttons that can be triggered when holding down the Fn key on the keyboard. For example, if you regularly listen to music on your Mac, you could set up the mouse so that holding down Fn and middle-clicking or tilting the scroll wheel pauses or switches between tracks, or scrubs forward and backward between tracks. Source: Mac: Logitech MK850 Performance Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Combo (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/mac/comments/logitech-mk850-performance-wireless-keyboard-and-mouse-combo) |