Title: Review: Sony MDR-1000X Wireless Noise-Canceling Headphones Post by: HCK on April 12, 2017, 04:05:27 pm Review: Sony MDR-1000X Wireless Noise-Canceling Headphones
<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/reviews/sony/mdr-1000x/4.jpg)" /> Times are changing for headphone reviewers. For years, a review of any headphone with active noise canceling had to include two things: a discussion about how much worse the headphones sound with ANC activated, and the mandatory “while not as good as Bose…” caveat. Well, those days are gone - Sony’s new MDR-1000X ($350) is a Bluetooth headphone with active noise cancelling that we think is excellent, without qualification. {/exp:char_limit} Source: Review: Sony MDR-1000X Wireless Noise-Canceling Headphones (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/reviews/entry/sony-mdr-1000x-wireless-noise-canceling-headphones) |