Title: Pokémon Go Spring / Easter Event Guide: How to level up faster and hatch more eggs! Post by: HCK on April 14, 2017, 04:05:22 pm Pokémon Go Spring / Easter Event Guide: How to level up faster and hatch more eggs!
Spring is here and Pokémon Go is celebrating with an Easter Event. Here's how to get your double XP and surprising hatches this weekend! Updated April 13, 2017, 4 p.m. EDT: The Pokémon Go Spring Event is now live! Happy catching, hatching, and evolving! Pokémon Go has just announced an Easter / spring event. It runs for a week and is giving double XP and a greater-than-usual variety of Pokémon in 2 KM Eggs, and 50% off Lucky Eggs in the Pokémon Shop. So, how do you get the most out of the event? New: Pokémon Go Spring Event | Shiny Pokémon | All Pokémon Events Hot: Best Power-Ups | Where to find rares | Catch bonuses Guides: Pokémon Go tips + tricks | Pokémon Go cheats TL;DR: What should you do before and during the Pokémon Go Easter / Spring event? So many things! Before the Pokémon Go Easter / Spring Event starts: Catch as many Caterpie, Pidgey, and Weedle, and low-candy evolution Pok&ea... Source: Pokémon Go Spring / Easter Event Guide: How to level up faster and hatch more eggs! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/C0A6ICcFJhU/pokemon-go-easter-event) |