Title: Watch Tim Cook talk Apple's latest quarter on Mad Money Post by: HCK on May 05, 2017, 04:05:24 pm Watch Tim Cook talk Apple's latest quarter on Mad Money
On Wednesday night, Apple CEO Tim Cook stopped by CNBC's Mad Money to speak with host Jim Cramer about Apple's latest earnings report. Cook spoke on the program about Apple's values, and the importance of companies giving back, touching on topics like Apple's environmental efforts and job creation. Cramer also asked Cook about Apple's latest quarter and the company's future prospects. On job creation in particular, Cook says that, through the company itself as well as suppliers across the country, that Apple is responsible for creating two million jobs in the U.S. You can check out that segment below, from CNBC on YouTube: Cook also talked about the company's most recent quarter, including increased performance for products like Apple Watch and the company's services business. He also touched on the fact that the iPhone 7 Plus, with its dual camera and portrait mode, was more popular than the company had expected. Again from CNBC: Apple reported its Q2 2017 results earlier... Source: Watch Tim Cook talk Apple's latest quarter on Mad Money (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Ru9OVCLwLBw/watch-tim-cook-talk-apples-latest-quarter-mad-money) |