Title: Apple Activity Challenge: Mother's Day edition! Post by: HCK on May 13, 2017, 04:05:21 pm Apple Activity Challenge: Mother's Day edition!
Got an Apple Watch? Then get moving this Mother's Day with Apple's latest activity challenge and earn a rose-themed badge and iMessage sticker! The latest Apple Watch fitness challenge is for Mother's Day. All you have to do to score a special rose-themed badge and sticker is complete a one-mile walk, run, or wheelchair workout on Mother's Day, May 14, 2017. You can use the built-in Apple Watch Workouts app or any app that integrates into the workout system, including Nike+, Strava, even Pokémon Go for Apple Watch. While the Thanksgiving challenge was sadly U.S. only, like the subsequent New Year's challenge and Earth Day challenge, were international. Mother's Day, despite being celebrated on the same day in numerous countries around the world, is perplexingly and frustratingly U.S. only. Hopefully Apple will come to understand the international appeal of these challenges and go back to making the available to all customers, everywhere. For those in the U.S., simply st... Source: Apple Activity Challenge: Mother's Day edition! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/2ORz4LuGCm4/apple-activity-challenge-mothers-day-edition) |