Title: AirDroid: Everything you need to know Post by: HCK on May 30, 2017, 04:05:22 pm AirDroid: Everything you need to know
What's the fastest way to transfer files from your Android device to your Mac or PC? AirDroid. If you have an Android phone or tablet and a Mac or PC and you like to transfer music, movies, TV shows, and photos between them, then chances are you've tried to the USB method and been frustrated beyond belief with Android File Transfer or another program that requires you to plug your device in. If you'd rather do everything wirelessly, then consider AirDroid. What does AirDroid do? AirDroid is an app that's available for Android, Mac, PC, and on the web that lets you transfer your data, like photos, music, and more, wirelessly. You just install the app on your Android device, install the desktop client on your Mac or PC (or visit AirDroid on the web), sign in on both devices, and away you go. It's not limited to file transfer either; you can also use AirDroid to send SMS (text messages), make and take calls, and receive app notifications right on your Mac or PC so that you can stay... Source: AirDroid: Everything you need to know (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/KaQuArFXyj4/airdroid) |