Title: Mac: Twelve South BookArc Space Grey Post by: HCK on June 02, 2017, 04:05:30 pm Mac: Twelve South BookArc Space Grey
<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/mac/twelvesouth/bookarc-space-grey-1.jpg)" /> Although Apple’s venerable silver brushed aluminum design is still what most of us visualize when we think “MacBook,” Apple has of course been changing it up a bit in recent years, creating some challenges for finding accessories that perfectly complement the Apple aesthetic. Fortunately, Twelve South is on top of it, recently updating its iconic BookArc for MacBook with a new Space Grey colour option that will appeal to users who prefer the darker side of the MacBook family. Let’s face it, a lot of MacBook owners consider their laptops an art piece to be displayed, and in that case, putting a Space Grey MacBook Pro into a silver BookArc just won’t work. Source: Mac: Twelve South BookArc Space Grey (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/mac/comments/twelve-south-bookarc-space-grey) |