Title: Best iPad Pro apps to download right now Post by: HCK on June 13, 2017, 04:05:21 pm Best iPad Pro apps to download right now
Amazing apps that'll help you get the most from your brand new iPad Pro. The iPad Pro will run all of the hundreds of thousands of tablet-optimized apps in the iOS App Store, but with Apple's 10.5-inch or massive 12.9-inch display, powerful Apple A10X processor, and optional Apple Pencil and Smart Keyboard, it can run some of them better and faster than any iPad before it. Here are the iPad Pro apps you should check out right now! Don't have an iPad Pro? No problem! You can run all of these apps on your iPad mini or iPad Air as well. Procreate 3 Coda 2 Astropad Studio Microsoft Excel Affinity Photo Umake Paper 3 Pixelmator Adobe Comp Omni Productivity Bundle iMovie Pixelmator Procreate 3 Procreate has always been one of the best way for artists to draw or paint on the iPad, and with iPad Pro the team at Savage Interactive has made it even better. There's support for multi-app multitasking, of course, but there's also an updated interface to really take advantage of those big ... Source: Best iPad Pro apps to download right now (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/jh7fhI-Pm4U/best-ipad-pro-apps-download-right-now) |