Title: Pavlov VR Early Access preview: Is this Counter-Strike VR? Post by: HCK on June 22, 2017, 04:05:25 pm Pavlov VR Early Access preview: Is this Counter-Strike VR?
A multipurpose shooter that will appeal to Counter-Strike and Call of Duty fans. Pavlov VR is officially available for HTC Vive but also works with Oculus Rift through Steam VR. Seeing some of the most popular standard PC games get the VR treatment is a thrill. We have Onward, a VR mil-sim that takes a page from ARMA's pacing and teamwork book, we have Breach It, which borrows Rainbow Six: Siege's destructible environments, and now we have Pavlov VR, which looks a whole lot like the insanely popular Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO). Let's take a close look at Pavlov VR to help you decide whether or not it's worth adding to your library. See the full review at VR Heads! ... Source: Pavlov VR Early Access preview: Is this Counter-Strike VR? (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/oNzki6XI3Aw/pavlov-vr-early-access-preview-counter-strike-vr) |