Title: A portrait of Canadian optimism and diversity by artists and Apple Post by: HCK on June 30, 2017, 04:05:21 pm A portrait of Canadian optimism and diversity by artists and Apple
Canada isn't a melting pot, it's a buffet. We celebrate every fiber of the multicultural fabric that binds us together as Canadians — and this year Apple is celebrating with us. I wasn't born in Canada but I'm Canadian. The land, from Pacific to Atlantic, from the frozen north to the American border against which we huddle for warmth, has shaped the way I think not only about myself but about the incredible diversity of the people around me. So too every Canadian. We're not perfect. We struggle. We fall down. We face challenges. But just like on the ice, we scramble back up and brace for the next struggle, the next challenge together, as a team. That's why we celebrate Confederation Day — Canada Day — on July 1st. To remind ourselves of who we are, how we got here, and where we're going next. The glory, the ugly, the true north, strong and free. And this year Apple is celebrating along with us. Celebrating Canadian optimism & diversity / Cél... Source: A portrait of Canadian optimism and diversity by artists and Apple (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/RBKrHidhSHU/portrait-canadian-optimism-and-diversity-artists-and-apple) |