Title: Pokémon Go Legendary Raids: How to prepare for Mew, Mewtwo, Birds, and more! Post by: HCK on July 07, 2017, 04:05:21 pm Pokémon Go Legendary Raids: How to prepare for Mew, Mewtwo, Birds, and more!
How do you beat Legendary Raids and Raid Bosses like Mew, Mewtwo, Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Raiku, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Celebi? Here's your guide! When Pokémon Go launched Battle Raids as part of the game's big summer update, it promised Raid Bosses in tiers from 1 to 5. So far, only tiers 1 to 4 have actually appeared in the game. That — and some sleuthing — has led many to believe tier 5 will be Legendary Raids and finally give players a chance to battle and perhaps even catch Mew, Mewtwo, Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Raiku, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Celebi. Legendary Raid Eggs, black with what looks like lightning patterns, and Legendary Raid Passes seem to be already built-in and ready to go. Waiting only, perhaps, on the Pokémon Go anniversary or festival to fire. If that's the case, they'll no doubt require a lot of players working together to beat the Boss, and then a lot of personal skill — and luck! — to ... Source: Pokémon Go Legendary Raids: How to prepare for Mew, Mewtwo, Birds, and more! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Yh5eF-TWi-Q/pokemon-go-legendary-raids) |