Title: Should you buy the Pokémon Go Anniversary Box: Is it worth your coins? Post by: HCK on July 08, 2017, 04:05:20 pm Should you buy the Pokémon Go Anniversary Box: Is it worth your coins?
Pokémon Go is offering Anniversary Box complete with Egg Incubators, Max Revives, Premium Raid Passes, and Ultra Balls. But should you buy one? Is it worth your PokéCoins? Along with an Ash-hat Pikachu, Pokémon Go is celebrating its first birthday with a discount Anniversary Box in the Pokémon Go Shop. The Anniversary Box includes 6x Egg Incubators, 6x Max Revive, 2x Premium Raid Passes, 20x Ultra Balls. That's a lot of stuff for one little box but, the big questions is, is it worth your Poké Coins. In other words, should you buy the Anniversary Box? What's the Anniversary Box? The Anniversary Box is a bundle of items from the Pokémon Go Shop that are currently being offered at a discount, presumably from July 6 to July 24, 2017. Here's how Pokémon Go describes it: You'll also be able to stock up for Raid Battles and the events ahead with the special limited-time Anniversary Box, which will include Incubators, Max Revives, Ult... Source: Should you buy the Pokémon Go Anniversary Box: Is it worth your coins? (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/sWprZfaWzgE/pokemon-go-anniversary-box-should-you-buy) |