Title: News: Apple opening office near Imagination Technologies months after severing ties to the company Post by: HCK on July 10, 2017, 04:05:24 pm News: Apple opening office near Imagination Technologies months after severing ties to the company
Apple is opening an office near Imagination Technologies just months after severing ties to the company, The Telegraph reports. The move to open its own graphics technology development office a “stone;‘s throw away” from Imagination’s headquarters has led to speculation that Apple is intent on poaching away the British company’s top employees. In April, Apple announced its plans to part ways with the company that previously… Source: News: Apple opening office near Imagination Technologies months after severing ties to the company (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/news/comments/apple-opening-office-near-imagination-technologies-months-after-severing-ti) |