Title: The best phone for Pokémon Go is iPhone. Get one to win. Post by: HCK on July 14, 2017, 04:05:18 pm The best phone for Pokémon Go is iPhone. Get one to win.
At a Pokémon Go Raid, it's not unusual to see Android owners rebooting, restarting, lagging, and cursing — while iPhone owners are smiling and winning. Since Pokémon Go launched Raids last month, I've participated in well over a hundred. I've done several solo, but most have been in groups — sometimes up to 30 people at a time. It's a really great, really cooperative and community-building experience. You see people from all teams working together, and with all phones. iPhone and Android. And you hear a lot of complaints. Mostly about Android. Battling the battery Battery life is one of the biggest complaints. It's not uncommon to see a half-dozen or more Android phone owners with cables running to the battery packs in their pockets or yelling for everyone to start because they're at 13% battery life and plummeting. Sure, Pokémon Go hits all phone batteries hard. It just seems to hurt Android phones the most. Losing to lag Lag is another freque... Source: The best phone for Pokémon Go is iPhone. Get one to win. (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/OazMXlcQwMU/iphone-best-pokemon-go) |