Title: New emoji alert! Apple shows off some of the characters coming to iOS later this year Post by: HCK on July 18, 2017, 04:05:20 pm New emoji alert! Apple shows off some of the characters coming to iOS later this year
Apple just revealed some of the new emoji coming to iOS, macOS, and watchOS later this year! Happy World Emoji Day, folks! To celebrate everyone's favorite holiday (right?), Apple is showing off some of the new emoji that'll be headed to your Apple devices later this year! You'll be able to pepper your conversations with puking emoji, dinosaurs, zombies, elves, and loads more! Apple has revealed 12 new emoji, including: Person in Lotus Position Breast-Feeding Star-Struck Exploding Head Face Vomiting Crazy Face T-Rex Zebra Zombie Elf Woman With Headscarf Bearded Person Back in June the Unicode Consortium released version 10 of the Unicode Standard (the Unicode Standard defines emoji characters). The updated standard included 56 new emoji. Although Apple only showed off 12 in celebration of World Emoji Day, it's likely we'll see all 56 (or close to it) later this year! Here's the full list, if you're interested: Adult Bearded Person Billed Cap Bowl With Spoon Brain Breast-Feedin... Source: New emoji alert! Apple shows off some of the characters coming to iOS later this year (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/a2V025NVQlw/new-emoji-alert-apple-shows-some-characters-coming-ios-later-year) |