Title: Pokémon Go Fest: What you need to know Post by: HCK on July 19, 2017, 04:05:19 pm Pokémon Go Fest: What you need to know
Pokémon Go Fest will let players in Grant Park, Chicago will get to unlock bonuses that players around the world can help extend — and unlock a mystery challenge back in Chicago! Pokémon Go is holding it's first real-world event — Pokémon Go Fest Chicago. Taking place Saturday, July 22, 2017. IL, and while tickets have long since been sold out, there are still plenty of opportunities to participate — around the world. I'll be there covering the event for iMore, so say "hello" if you see me! What's Pokémon Go Fest? Pokémon Go Fest Chicago is the first major real-world event for Niantic's incredibly popular augmented reality, geo-hunting game. It takes place this Saturday, July 22, at Grant Park. Players on location in Chicago will be able to unlock bonuses that people around the world can then help extend for longer periods of time. From Pokémon Go: Pokémon GO Fest (Saturday, July 22 taking place in... Source: Pokémon Go Fest: What you need to know (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/-KCqhvJ1GWI/pokemon-go-fest) |