Title: Seven iPhone and iPad games that will make you laugh your face off Post by: HCK on August 09, 2017, 04:05:17 pm Seven iPhone and iPad games that will make you laugh your face off
Not all games are meant to be taken seriously; burst out laughing with these great games! Some of my favorite games over the years have been the ones that made me laugh. Not only do I appreciate the endorphin release, but I recognize being funny is usually the result of a great script. If you're looking for a new game that will not only keep you entertained but also give your abs an actual laughing workout, here are some of my favorite games that will leave you in stitches! Slayaway Camp The Bard's Tale Red's Kingdom Ticket to Earth Pocket Mortys Goat Simulator Spaceteam Slayaway Camp (17+) Slayaway Camp is a morbidly funny take on the puzzle genre that tasks you with going on a killing spree, and no one you meet is safe! You'll need to slide around each scene and murder your victims in a particular order to reach the portal to advance to the next area. With plenty of obstacles such as fire pits, open water, and cops, you'll need to be smart during your rampage. Taking its ... Source: Seven iPhone and iPad games that will make you laugh your face off (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/-t-ni99x_cA/seven-iphone-and-ipad-games-will-make-you-laugh-your-face) |