Title: News: Top telcom regulator in India angry over Apple’s slow review of government’s ‘do not disturb’ app Post by: HCK on August 09, 2017, 04:05:21 pm News: Top telcom regulator in India angry over Apple’s slow review of government’s ‘do not disturb’ app
(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/uploads/iPhone_Scammer.jpg) The head of India’s Telecom Regulatory Authority is taking Apple to task for refusing to approve an official government “do not disturb” app for iOS, The Times of India reports. The app serves to block annoying unsolicited calls and texts, and TRAI chairman R.S. Sharma claimed Apple is engaging in “anti-consumer” actions by not approving it. “So basically you (Apple) are violating the right of the user to willingly… Source: News: Top telcom regulator in India angry over Apple’s slow review of government’s ‘do not disturb’ app (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/news/comments/top-telcom-regulator-in-india-angry-over-apples-slow-review-of-governments) |