Title: How to switch between Apple Watches Post by: HCK on August 16, 2017, 04:05:19 pm How to switch between Apple Watches
Here's what you need to know about switching between multiple Apple Watches. While many people purchase only one Apple Watch and use it for everything from notifications to fitness tracking, some people might elect to use multiple watches for different tasks or occasions. Here's how you set up and switch between multiple Apple Watches with your iPhone. How to pair another Apple Watch to your iPhone How to automatically switch between watches How to manually switch between watches How to pair another Apple Watch to your iPhone Luckily, setting up a second watch to use with your iPhone is just a matter of pairing it like you did you first watch. Open the Watch app on your iPhone. Tap on My Watch if you're not already in that tab. Tap on your existing watch at the top of the screen. Tap Pair New Watch. Pair your new Apple Watch. Note that you can either set up your watch as new, or use a backup of your existing Apple Watch. How to automatically switch between Apple Watches ... Source: How to switch between Apple Watches (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Lxl19-UNuDM/how-switch-between-apple-watches) |