Title: 2017 Total Solar Eclipse: A visual diary Post by: HCK on August 24, 2017, 04:05:18 pm 2017 Total Solar Eclipse: A visual diary
Pictures can't even come close to expressing how awesome a total solar eclipse is, but I'll try. I was lucky enough to be one of the tens of thousands of people that flocked to one of the 14 states across North America to post up within the path of totality while the moon completely covered the sun for two minutes on August 21. I took pictures. I made a time-lapse. I sat in awe during the moment of the total solar eclipse. In reviewing the photos I took, I can definitely say that no picture can fully capture the beauty and amazing experience that I had. If you have the means and ability, I highly suggest trying to make the pilgrimage to one of the cities within the path of totality in 2024, when the next total solar eclipse is scheduled to cross North America. Some highlights of my experience Though the entire event was inspirational and stunning, there were a few observations that stood out for me. Watching an eclipse is about more than just looking at the sun through eclipse ... Source: 2017 Total Solar Eclipse: A visual diary (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/LlUfHCIu6tI/2017-total-solar-eclipse-visual-diary) |