Title: Disney using augmented reality to bring Star Wars characters to Apple Stores Post by: HCK on August 25, 2017, 04:05:19 pm Disney using augmented reality to bring Star Wars characters to Apple Stores
Disney has announced its Force Friday II promotional event, and Apple Stores are getting in on the action. Apple Stores will be selling select pieces of Star Wars merchandise, and, along with other retailers, will be part of an augmented reality Star Wars event that will see fans on the hunt for virtual characters from Star Wars: The Last Jedi. From StarWars.com: From September 1-3, retailers around the world will invite fans to Find the Force by taking part in an AR treasure hunt. Here's how it works: first, download the Star Wars app, which is your one-stop-shop for all things Star Wars (those who already have the app will need to download the latest version). Then, visit any one of 20,000 participating retail locations to find a graphic that contains the Find the Force logo. When you scan the graphic using the Star Wars app, you'll reveal a character, who through AR, will appear in the room with you. You can then take photos, record videos, and share the experience on social ... Source: Disney using augmented reality to bring Star Wars characters to Apple Stores (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/eQSdvIDcZno/disney-using-augmented-reality-bring-star-wars-characters-apple-stores) |