Title: Siri Remote for Apple TV: The ultimate guide Post by: HCK on August 28, 2017, 04:05:19 pm Siri Remote for Apple TV: The ultimate guide
The Siri Remote brings novel new ways to control your Apple TV, including touch and voice. The Siri Remote — still called the Apple TV Remote in regions without Siri support — is a big part of what makes the Apple TV stand out from the rest of the set-top boxes on the market. It's got a glass touch surface, an accelerometer and gyroscope, Bluetooth connectivity, a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, and as the name betrays: Siri. If you're new to the fourth-generation Apple TV and want to know what every button on the Siri Remote does, or have been using it for a while and are ready to dig into all the little button combo, here's your in-depth guide. What Siri can and can't do on Apple TV Siri can do a lot of cool things on Apple TV. It's built with smart learning and can understand contextual questions. For example, you can ask to look something up, and then follow up with a second question that related to the first, without having to refer back to the first. Here's ... Source: Siri Remote for Apple TV: The ultimate guide (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/eZaxBXA4SZs/siri-remote) |