Title: Swappa Gaming is an all new place for buying and selling used games Post by: HCK on September 01, 2017, 04:05:17 pm Swappa Gaming is an all new place for buying and selling used games
Arguably the safest place to buy and sell phones will now take care of your games. The folks at Swappa do one thing very well — maintain a healthy environment for buying and selling used gear. What started as a phone swapping site has grown considerably over the years, and is now the best place to get top dollar for your used phone as well as get a sweet deal on a used phone when you need one. This service has expanded several times in recent years, but the latest push into gaming is an area where used phone skills are really going to come in handy. Welcome to Swappa Gaming. It's exactly as simple as it sounds. If you have a game to sell, or you're looking for a game to buy, search the site by game or platform and choose the price you'd like to pay. Sellers can offer games at whatever price they think will sell and provide proof right on the listing that the disc is either in pristine condition or has a few flaws you should know about. Transactions on Swappa aren't listed... Source: Swappa Gaming is an all new place for buying and selling used games (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/HYupWI6F6vg/swappa-gaming-all-new-place-buying-and-selling-used-games) |