Title: Get accurate blood pressure results on your smartphone with the $64 QardioArm monitor Post by: HCK on September 21, 2017, 04:05:18 pm Get accurate blood pressure results on your smartphone with the $64 QardioArm monitor
This blood pressure monitor works with your smartphone and can even help identify irregular heart beats based on the data! The QardioArm wireless blood pressure monitor is down to $64.49 on Amazon. The street price normally fluctuates between $80 and $100. It has only dropped below $70 once before, making this a match for its lowest price ever. The smartphone app itself does a ton of work, including setting up reminders for you, charting all your data, and emailing the important to data to your doctor. Other features include: QardioArm wireless blood pressure monitor syncs to your smartphone or tablet over Bluetooth with simple, one-step setup Automatic storage of every reading to track health over time Best electronic blood pressure system for adult men and women with high or low blood pressure who need quick and reliable results on a regular basis; FDA and doctor approved gauge The compact design of this digital blood pressure machine means you can use it anytime or anywhere; sl... Source: Get accurate blood pressure results on your smartphone with the $64 QardioArm monitor (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Im-TFZt5BP0/thrifter-deal-qardioarm-bp-monitor) |