Title: Grab Aukey's cell phone tripod for $8 to become a better mobile photographer Post by: HCK on September 23, 2017, 04:05:19 pm Grab Aukey's cell phone tripod for $8 to become a better mobile photographer
It's time to take your photography game to the next level, and this inexpensive accessory can help! Smartphone cameras have become significantly better over the past few years, and people like to push them to their limits. A great way to really take advantage of how far they've come is by using a tripod to take your skills to the next level. We know, people don't want to lug around a full-sized tripod to "get the shot", but what about a mini one? Aukey is currently offering its cell phone tripod for $7.91 when you use the coupon code LSYFN9DC during checkout at Amazon. This is a savings of around $3 from its regular price. Beyond just your smartphone, you'll also be able to use this for a GoPro or even a DSLR. Take clearer shots or time-lapse videos from a stable fixed position Best for capturing a variety of landscapes and points of view Compact, lightweight, foldable design to easily to grab, setup, and put away Mount to smartphones up to 5.7" with included holder, or attach dig... Source: Grab Aukey's cell phone tripod for $8 to become a better mobile photographer (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/smItsquAl1M/thrifter-deal-grab-aukeys-cell-phone-tripod-8-become-better-mobile-photographer) |