Title: News: Anki launches Overdrive: Fast & Furious Edition Post by: HCK on September 23, 2017, 04:05:23 pm News: Anki launches Overdrive: Fast & Furious Edition
<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/uploads/anki-overdrive-fast-and-furious.jpg)" /> Anki has launched Anki Overdrive: Fast & Furious Edition ($170), taking the company’s evolved battle-racing game to new levels by blending it with the adrenaline-fueled world of Fast & Furious. Players will be able to challenge Toretto crew A.I. characters, including Dom, Hobbs, Letty, and Tej, as well as battle against their friends and family in two film-inspired robotic supercars — Hobbs’ iconic and tough International MXT… Source: News: Anki launches Overdrive: Fast &amp; Furious Edition (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/news/comments/anki-launches-overdrive-fast-furious-edition) |