Title: Apple Watch Series 3 LTE Review: Small, flawed, and mighty Post by: HCK on September 24, 2017, 04:05:18 pm Apple Watch Series 3 LTE Review: Small, flawed, and mighty
The author, taking a Portrait mode photo of herself wearing the Series 3 Apple Watch by using the Series 3 to do so. The Series 3 LTE Apple Watch isn't going to be for everyone yet. But it's a peek at the future for 38mm and 42mm users alike. Before Apple's official Series 3 Apple Watch announcement in September, I admit: I was concerned. As a devout fan of Apple's 38mm casing size, I didn't love the rumors over LTE connectivity. LTE networking is hard and battery-draining, and every other manufacturer on the market who's tried it has been forced to make big, clunky watches that look more like 1980s ideals of wrist-connected technology than actual watches for humans without 6'4"-sized wrists. Would Apple abandon 38mm users in its quest to chase after the "true" dream — the watch as a stand-alone product? Or would it include 38mm users but destroy the user experience? Could it actually make LTE useful on the small watch? Apple's official on-stage debut and our subse... Source: Apple Watch Series 3 LTE Review: Small, flawed, and mighty (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/lo3dVBdMpno/apple-watch-3) |