Title: Apple Watch Series 3's LTE/Wi-Fi bug is fixed in watchOS 4.0.1 Post by: HCK on October 05, 2017, 04:05:21 pm Apple Watch Series 3's LTE/Wi-Fi bug is fixed in watchOS 4.0.1
Heard about Apple Watch Series 3 "LTE problems"? It's actually a bug with how Apple Watch uses Wi-Fi, and it's fixed in watchOS 4.0.1. Update: October 4, 2017 Apple has pushed out an update to Apple Watch, watchOS 4.0.1, that fixes watchOS 4's LTE/Wi-Fi bug. From Apple's update notes: watchOS 4.0.1 fixes issues that in rare cases were causing Apple Watch to join unauthenticated (captive) Wi-Fi networks, such as those found in public places like coffee shops and hotels, which direct the user to a web page before the network can be accessed. To download the fix, visit the Watch app on your iPhone. How the Apple Watch connects to Wi-Fi Like your iPhone, your Apple Watch has a Wi-Fi antenna inside of it, which allows it to connect directly to Wi-Fi networks (or via your iPhone) rather than always using your cellular data. Where the two devices differ is in how they can connect: The Apple Watch doesn't have an Auto-Join Wi-Fi screen, or a place to select networks. Nor does it h... Source: Apple Watch Series 3's LTE/Wi-Fi bug is fixed in watchOS 4.0.1 (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/rVYUwp00ryc/how-your-apple-watch-connects-wi-fi-networks-when-away-your-iphone) |