Title: Manage all your iOS, Mac, and Windows data for only $20! Post by: HCK on October 27, 2017, 04:05:20 pm Manage all your iOS, Mac, and Windows data for only $20!
If you've ever upgraded or switched phones before, you know how hard it can be to migrate all your data over. Or maybe you wish you could easily transfer files between your Mac or PC and any iOS device you own — without using iTunes. Manage your data smarter with iMazing 2! Learn more Fortunately, there is a solution to these problems. Best of all, you can solve them with just one program — Imazing 2: Universal License for Mac & Windows! iMazing calls itself the Swiss Army Knife of iPhone, iPad, and iPod management because it lets you manage your mobile data exactly how you wished you always could. You're able to easily browse and manage your backups, extract and even print out text message logs, and drag and drop songs onto your iPhone without using iTunes or jailbreaking your phone. Just check out some of the great features iMazing can offer you! Transfer files between any Mac, PC, and iOS device wirelessly or with USB. Work with all app documents, data, &a... Source: Manage all your iOS, Mac, and Windows data for only $20! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/kQLZYNZS2aQ/manage-all-your-ios-mac-and-windows-data-only-20) |