Title: Grammarly's new iOS keyboard will make sure you never typo again Post by: HCK on November 03, 2017, 04:05:21 pm Grammarly's new iOS keyboard will make sure you never typo again
Sick of having to delete tweets because you said "so excite" instead of "so excited?" Then get so excite about Grammarly's new mobile keyboard for iOS — it'll keep your texts, tweets, and emails clear and error-free. AI-powered virtual editor Grammarly announced today in a blog post that after many requests from users it has finally extended its error-catching power to your smartphone. Grammarly Keyboard - Free - Download now Built by linguists, Grammarly Keyboard uses artificial intelligence to scan your texts, emails, DMs, tweets, and whatever other things you type for both common and complex grammatical, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. And it's not your grandma's spell-check, either. It doesn't just tell you when you've made a grievous spelling error, it checks the context of your writing so it can tell you when you accidentally use "your" instead of "you're" and "they're" instead of "their." It'll even suggest words that it thinks you're confusing for other words so ... Source: Grammarly's new iOS keyboard will make sure you never typo again (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/j96ASO696No/grammarlys-new-ios-keyboard-will-make-sure-you-never-typo-again) |