Title: Best wallpaper to show off your iPhone X screen Post by: HCK on November 04, 2017, 04:05:19 pm Best wallpaper to show off your iPhone X screen
Looking for the perfect wallpaper to show off your iPhone X's Home button-less screen? Here are a few of the best options out there! So you just picked up your iPhone X and you're super excited to see that big, beautiful screen, but it hits you: WHICH WALLPAPER WILL SHOW OFF MY iPHONE X'S TRUE ELEGANCE AND SOPHISTICATION AND SCREEN-Y-NESS?! 1. 🎶 I'm leaaaaaving on a jet plane 🎶 2. May I axe you a question? 3. Ocean viewz 4. Mountains, mountains, and more mountains 5. Into the abyss 6. Just add a dash of Harrods 7. Light 'er up! 8. Lightning only strikes once, right? 9. 🎶 The mountains are aliiiiiiiive with this beautiful suuuun seeeeeeeet 🎶 10. That ocean blue, tho... 11. Just add a dash of paint 12. A little color never hurt nobody! 13. Pass the pencils, please 14. A pop of pink and a rush o' roses 15. Running at sunrise never looked so beautiful 16. String string string 17. Love the vintage look? You... Source: Best wallpaper to show off your iPhone X screen (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/3QxYy0EAEAA/best-wallpaper-show-your-iphone-x-screen) |